Opponents of Transit Density Bill find an Audience in Palo Alto

Opponents of transit density bill find an audience in Palo Alto - Link Elected officials and community leaders band together to fight SB 50, but not everyone in the Silicon Valley enclave is onboard More than 200 people came out for an event about SB 50 and Livable California in Palo Alto on Sunday afternoon,

Opportunity Zones or Gentrification Zones

Several recent articles linked here have addressed federal Opportunity Zone regulations. Concerns have been raised about the social justice and gentrification impacts of these zones.  One article states "The existing regulations have made that calculation relatively easy for real estate investors, who are accelerating previously planned projects in the zones and starting new ones that

An Estimated 100,000 Homes are Sitting Empty in San Francisco

State legislators trying to override local regulations, claiming a "Housing Crisis" rather than an "Affordability Crisis".They are proposing legislation that promotes primarily luxury units. Now we see that those units are often used for speculation rather than for homes. See the article on SFGate - Link

Top L.A. Leaders Slam Wiener’s SB 50 – Press Release 3/15/19

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2019 Top L.A. Leaders Slam Wiener’s SB 50 Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB 50, an extreme version of his defeated SB 827, is under attack by L.A. Democratic leaders because it destroys single-family areas and affordable apartments to make way for 8-story luxury housing. This week, the powerful L.A. County Democratic

Blanket Upzoning Won’t Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis and Will Fail

Globally known economics prof at UCLA, Michael Storper, in today’s online issue of Planning Report published in Los Angeles and widely read by government officials and planners, says blanket upzoning won’t solve the affordable housing crisis and will fail. This is just one example of the many unintended consequences that proponents of blanket upzoning don’t

Debunking the Housing Supply Myth

"One myth still in the early stages of its perpetual repetition: housing prices are going up because there isn’t enough supply, and local land use regulation is to blame. This is likewise totally false in almost every instance, but contesting this idea really pisses people off. Regardless, we need to challenge supply-side housing economics if

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